Description: On 11th January 1845 the Illustrated London News advertised free for subscribers a panorama of the River Thames, which exhibited as distinctly as in a map, yet with beautiful, picturesque effect, the Royal towered Thame, its Forests of Masts, its crowded Docks and Port, its Fleet of Steamers, its Noble Bridges, its busy Wharves and Quays and the various objects of interest and beauty upon its immediate banks'. The print, 'engraved in the First Style of the Art, from a most elaborate Drawing made especially for the Illustrated London News had occupied the artists for several months and total reliance could be placed upon its accuracy.
Published as a double supplement and print in the Illustrated London News, for the week ending Saturday 11th January 1845, Vol. VI, No. 141. See Image Ref. 31503.